Friday, March 1, 2019

Talents = Fear

Hey Bloggers,
Sometimes we can't see the big picture, But I feel that God created us each for a reason, and purpose, all for His plan, and Glory!!! We just need to trust Him. Because, we are special, and unique. What are some things that you enjoy doing that are God Given talents?? You can comment yours below. The inspirations that come from the world around us are amazing, knowing that God created each thing in this place we call the world. That is God 's talent...  Creativity, and What an artist He is! All the birds, Tree's, Mountains, and Flowers! He made them all. I hope you can see your purpose in life, and know that there is something out there bigger than your  fears!! Don't be afraid, to stand up and speak. and tell God how much you love Him today!!! We certainly do have battles to face. But, with God by our side, we can overcome anything that we set our mind too!! Enjoy each day with Him, and your life will go a whole lot smoother. Pray, and seek all that He has to offer. and Never give up. Be inspired today!!


Inspirational Readings:::::: 

Romans 6:23 - " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

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